
Gary's 12 Week Transformation

Thursday, 15th August 2024

Gary Lowe recently completed one of our 12-week transformation programs after experiencing a family loss that forced him to re-evaluate his own lifestyle choices. Gary felt that he needed some extra guidance with his nutritional habits. After training with one of our PT's Jordon at Pendle Leisure Centre for some time, Gary felt confident in embarking on this journey using Jordon's knowledge and experience, alongside a structured plan of action. After the 12 weeks were over, we asked Gary about his experience and this is what he has to say...

At the start of this year, my younger brother passed away unexpectedly. He wasn’t looking after himself physically, and this started to make me think about my own lifestyle, the choices I make and the habits I am choosing.

Additionally, my daughter asked me one day if I was pregnant which I responded no. She said she thought I was having twins! Of course, this was tongue in cheek as she is only young, although if anything, this was something that made me think I need to start making changes soon!

I have been attending the gym at Pendle Leisure Centre for a few years and as I was always underweight, I was just consumed by putting weight on and was eating whatever I wanted to without much consideration. In time, this of course caught up on me and I piled on the pounds!

Jordon has been my PT for a while, he has always supported me and given good guidance within sessions. I know Jordon has been doing the 12-week transformations and getting results with people from this over the past year or so. As I already have a good relationship with Jordon and trust his knowledge, we spoke at length about what the transformation would entail and what would be required. I knew this was a good opportunity for me to make a change and I was more than ready for the challenge. Naturally, I am a very driven individual, so I didn’t need motivation as such, it was guidance from what to do in the gym and how to do it effectively on the nutritional side. Jordon structured a very well thought out and tailored plan which gave me a platform of what to do in the gym but also exactly what to do with my eating habits, how many calories to stick to for weight loss and reducing inches throughout the 12 weeks.

Within the first few days I did struggle, but I was very soon used to the set training style, the tracking of foods, and the habits I had been set daily (Steps, Water Intake, Protein intake in foods). The best thing about it was I could eat what I wanted but made sure I stayed within the calorie allowance set and ensured I hit my protein/ fibre goals.

Hitting the protein wasn’t an issue it was the portion control I had struggled with before. Shaun the centre manager gave me some advice on how to satisfy a sweet tooth which I found helpful. He advised me to eat jelly pots that were low-calorie and provided a sweet fix and the game-changing low-calorie ice cream. As time went on and my calories were reduced, I found it easier and easier due to having more knowledge. Jordon would be a massive help sending me recipes, giving me more ideas so I wasn’t eating the same food over and over.

The training-routine was a mixture of weight training and cardio. Jordon had set me within the first month to complete 5k on a bike each session to build up my endurance. At the start I found this incredibly challenging. The first few times I felt like my heart was going to explode!

After a few weeks, though, I got used to it like he said I would along with everything else. I was looking forward to doing the cardio. By the end of the fourth week I was able to complete 5k on the bike in under 13 minutes, whereas at the start it was such a struggle to just complete in 15 minutes. By the end of the 12 weeks, I was able to do 20 minutes on a bike and complete up to 8k, the change in my endurance was outstanding. With the free weight training Jordon constantly reminded me of my form and technique, lifting safely and effectively, getting my mind to muscle connection. I am currently stronger and fitter than I have ever been with better knowledge! I now have my sights set on looking at one day doing possible competitions, this may be a way off, but I know I am on the right path. The thing that went the best was my desire to continue each week as I was getting fitter and not quitting as things got tougher. Life still goes on and I have had some health issues and little injuries that has impacted my training, but I’ve just adapted and persevered.

The hardest challenge has been trying to maintain my training and food intake while still living life and being a dad to my two children. It has been difficult when the kids have been unwell and passing it to me and at times not getting sleep, all part and parcel of being a father. Although I have kept the mindset that this is an investment in me and I want to do the best I can for myself.

Another good thing about the 12 weeks is that I now choose to walk a lot more instead of driving for the convenience of getting to somewhere quicker. This was a habit set for me and it has really benefited my mental health.

Jordan has been a fantastic coach and kept in regular contact, he has been on hand whenever I needed him and given me advice on training and nutrition and been incredibly supportive. Whenever I have reached out to him, he has got back to me. He has also been flexible and understanding when life events have happened which was helpful and much appreciated, it took the pressure off. Jordon has continually supported me in any ups or downs. He’s been the coach I needed and a friend at the same time.

I would highly recommend the 12-week transformation course for anyone who wants to be held accountable and have a guarantee of results within the 12 weeks with the guidance on hand. Before, I lacked direction, understanding and knowledge, know I have all three!

I am so happy with my results, I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been in my life, I have achieved what I set out to do but the journey will continue, and I will only strive for more and I know Jordon will keep pushing me on and on. 

For anyone in a similar position as Gary, get in touch about making a change for yourself now in only 12 weeks!