
Stay Safe while Open Water Swimming

Tuesday, 14th May 2024

We all know what it’s like when the sun is blazing, it’s almost TOO hot, and there seems nothing better than to dunk yourself into some cool open water. But what is less known, are the dangers and life-threatening risks that come with this type of swimming.

To ensure you, your friends and family stay safe this summer, take 5 minutes to read our top tips for open-water swimming.

1.Know YOUR abilities. Be real with yourself and how capable of a swimmer you are. We aren’t all naturally strong swimmers (even if you did take a few lessons when you were much younger!). Be aware that swimming in colder water is much different to a warm, safe, leisure centre environment, and so you will not have the same abilities than at your local pool. Add in an element of fear and anxiety and your swimming skills diminish rapidly.

2.Buddy up. Open-water swimming can be risky, especially with changing weather and conditions. Ensure you stick with a group and be ready to assist with any weaker swimmers if necessary. 

3.Check out the area before you get in the water. If you’re checking out a new swim spot, this can be exciting but don’t get ahead of yourself! Look out for any potential hazards, shallow areas, underwater obstacles, coloured beach flags, or wildlife that may hinder your swimming abilities.

4.Familiarise yourself with coloured flags and what they mean. Knowing these 6 flag definitions can save a life!

5.Stay hydrated. Swimming in open water can be physically demanding, especially in warmer temperatures. Stay hydrated by drinking water before and after your swim. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.

6.Trust Your Instincts. If something doesn't feel right, trust your gut, and exit the water as quickly and safely as possible. Don't push yourself beyond your limits or ignore warning signs.

*Caution, the below video may be distressing for some viewers.